TDSB's Policy-Making Is Illegal
TDSB's Lack of Powers ( ultra vires ) to Conduct the Secondary Program Review or Make the Policy Changes Summary / TLDR "For public bodies, …, everything which is not allowed is forbidden." The TDSB is not explicitly allowed to conduct the Secondary Program Review or make any policy changes in concern, which thus are clearly and unequivocally illegal. Disclaimer (Copied from previous posts) This post is to provide the information, and the citations might not be properly given. All the credits are attributed to the original sources. It is written to the best of the contributors' knowledge and memory, which might not be fully accurate. (From the main contributor) This post is written based on an email sent to the Ontario Ministry of Education, Toronto Office. Credit The main contributor for this post is Max Kant. Thanks a lot for their generosity. Note This is one of a series of accompan